Maintenance Programs
Maintenance Programs
Beaver Control
The RM of Usborne participates in the provincial Beaver Control Program administered through SARM. Through this program, the RM provides $30.00 per beaver eradicated by authorized individuals. Please contact the RM office or your councillor for additional information.
EFFECTIVE July 11, 2018: In conjunction with the SARM Beaver Control program changes, effective immediately, you MUST have a trapper license number to be eligible for beaver bounty. The RM cannot pay bounties without this number.
Report ALL controlled burns to 1-866-404-4911 before burning and upon completion. You will be required to provide your name, phone number, land location, what you are burning and for how long. If an unreported controlled burn is responded to by a fire department, the landowner or resident will be charged.
Gravel is no longer sold privately through the RM. There are a number of suppliers in the area to meet the demand.
The RM completes the top cut for all ditches in the RM annually, no exceptions.
If a ratepayer wishes to cut the ditch for hay, he or she must notify the RM prior to June 1st of the current year so it can be deleted from the mowing map. All requests are subject to Council approval.
Hay located in the municipal road right-of-ways will be available for salvage under the following conditions:
- Before July 15th, adjacent landowners have first choice of salvage. You must contact the owner prior to cutting.
- After July 15th, any person may salvage hay.
- Bales cannot be left on road or shoulder and must be removed by August 15th.
- On years that require fall mowing, you must contact the RM to have the municipal mower skip sections you wish to cut.
Weed Control
For the past 3 years, the RM has contracted Marksmen Vegetation for weed control on municipal owned land, road allowances, etc. We do not provide weed control services on private owned land.
Dust Control
Dust control is available to ratepayers only, for roads maintained by the RM of Usborne. Costs are approximately $0.35/litre, with applicable surcharges (prep work, etc.) invoiced to the ratepayer. If you would like to be added to the list, please call when the ad is posted, prior to the deadline. You must call in annually if you would like repeat applications.
For the most up to date policy, please visit:
Pest Control
The RM of Usborne is a member of the District #43 ADD Board – Matt Somers is appointed as the Pest Control Officer (PCO) through this group. He is licensed by the Ministry of Agriculture. Rat poison is available at the RM office, for ratepayers only, and is available at no charge to landowners for use on RM of Usborne properties. Please note we do not have poison for gophers available.
Cleanfarms Grain Bag Recycling
Producers often call the office or ask their councillor how to properly dispose of grain bags, and where. New policy has recently been developed in Saskatchewan specific to grain bag disposal, via the Cleanfarms Grain Bag Recycling program.
Please visit for more information, including collection sites and preparation steps prior to dropoff. The closest collection site to our municipality is the REACT in Humboldt.